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Jim Traber Discusses Disaster In Oklahoma

Jim Traber joined the show to discuss the natural disaster in Oklahoma this past week. On Monday, a tornado tore through Oklahoma City, killing upwards of 100 people.

Steve started out by asking Jim, the former Oriole, about details regarding the tornado as he saw it live on Monday from his work. Jim explained that the weather man let them know that there was bad weather coming.  The tornado warning was given and from about 2-245 when Jim was on the air he was telling his listeners to watch out if they lived in certain regions. At 2:50 the hook came and so did the warning. At that point they turned over the coverage to the TV station and all went outside to look at the tornado. When the tornado turned east they could see the debris cloud which was two and a half miles wide. Jim was a mile and a half away and said the tornado sounded like a freight train. He has never heard anything like that before. The tornado then luckily dissipated. Jim explained that his radio show yesterday was dedicated towards explaining to the people how they could receive help.

Jim Traber

Bob then asked how helpless the situation must have been, knowing the inevitable was about to happen. Jim explained that there is absolutely nothing you can do. This is the third time in his life he had heard the weather man say that if you are above ground you are in trouble.

Steve asked when they actually got the warning call. Jim explained that it was only about ten minutes before the storm hit. Jim discussed his shock at seeing dead horses and cows and houses that were  are completely destroyed. Jim explained that in his 20 years of being in OKC h  is impressed by the charity and values being demonstrated by the people of  Oklahoma. Jim emphatically said how impressed he is with the character of these folks. They are truly some of the best people he has ever been around.

Steve asked how we can help. Jim mentioned the Red Cross charity is the best method. Go to the Red Cross website. Jim concluded by proudly explaining that the people of Moore will be back.

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