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Paul McMullen On Michael Phelps Dominating The Olympic Games Once Again

Paul McMullen from Press Box Online joined Ed and Rob to talk about his piece on the life and career of Olympian Michael Phelps.

McMullen started off by talking about watching Michael Phelps compete in Rio saying, "I am enjoying it greatly from thousands of miles away, I told my wife the other night I'm glad I'm here and not there. You can actually see more watching it on television."

When asked if he was surprised by what Phelps is achieving during the games this year, he said, "not at all, in the press box article I said he would win 5 gold medals...tonight is going to be really difficult, Sports Illustrated picked a young Chinese fellow to win the gold."

Paul went on to talk about Phelps being more concerned with being a team player than putting himself out there and taking all the glory.

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