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Coronavirus Latest: More Than 700 COVID-19 Deaths Reported In Maryland As Cases Reach Over 16.6K

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) -- More than 16,600 cases of coronavirus and more than 700 deaths were reported in Maryland Friday morning. according to new numbers released by officials. The state added 879 cases since Thursday.

According to the state health department, there are now 16,616 cases of COVID-19 in the state and 723 people have died from the virus, along with 75 probable deaths reported.

Coronavirus Latest: More Than 17.7K COVID-19 Cases, Nearly 800 Deaths Reported In Maryland

More than 68,000 have tested negative and of the 3,618 hospitalized, 1,108 were released from hospitalization.

Of the 1,425 patients still in the hospital, 547 are still in the ICU.

Hogan said decreasing the number of hospitalizations it key to learning when the state might be ready to reopen. He's releasing his Maryland Strong: Roadmap to Recovery plan Friday at 3 p.m.

The highest concentration of cases is in zip code 20783 which is the Adelphi area of Prince George's County just west of University of Maryland in College Park. Prince George's County continues to lead with the number of total cases at 4,403 and deaths at 147. The 21215 zip code in Baltimore has now moved to second.


A breakdown of the data. 

By County

County Cases Deaths
Allegany 90 (3)
Anne Arundel 1,373 (56) 7*
Baltimore City 1,728 (65) 6*
Baltimore County 2,234 (65) 9*
Calvert 125 (6)
Caroline 55
Carroll 372 (34)
Cecil 144 (5)
Charles 459 (33) 1*
Dorchester 32 (2)
Frederick 765 (35) 6*
Garrett 4
Harford 289 (3) 6*
Howard 642 (14) 1*
Kent 67 (2)
Montgomery 3,227 (135) 19*
Prince George's 4,403 (147) 11*
Queen Anne's 43 (3)
St. Mary's 119 (6)
Somerset 13
Talbot 23 (1)
Washington 143 (3)
Wicomico 222 (3)
Worcester 44
Data Not Available (102) 9*

By Age Range and Gender

Age/Gender Cases Deaths
0-9 164
10-19 395
20-29 1,833 (3)
30-39 2,757 (13) 1*
40-49 2,931 (17) 2*
50-59 3,094 (46) 5*
60-69 2,383 (102) 8*
70-79 1,680 (174) 11*
80+ 1,379 (267) 39*
Age Data Not Available (101) 9*
Female: 8,874 (350) 45*
Male: 7,742 (373) 30*
Gender Data Not Available:

By Race and Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Cases Deaths
African-American (NH) 6,046 (289) 22*
Asian (NH) 339 (25) 2*
White (NH) 3,830 (275) 42*
Hispanic 2,373 (40)
Other (NH) 616 (17)
Data Not Available 3,412 (77) 9*

For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.

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