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Boobs that may actually be TOO big!

I never would've believed it . . . but it turns out there MIGHT be such a thing as breasts that are TOO big.

 29-year-old Julia Manihuari lives in northern Peru.  Last year, her breasts grew to become an N-CUP.  It may be the record for the largest natural breasts in the world . . . but there's no official word from the Guinness people yet.

 To put it in perspective, each one was at least three times the size of her head, and combined, they weighed more than 35 pounds.  Julia's only five feet tall, and, when she'd get the energy to stand up, they would swing down and touch her legs.

 They were so large that they TRAPPED Julia in bed for six months, because, she says, quote, "If I tried to get up I would faint because my breasts were so heavy."

 Julia suffers from a rare condition called gigantomastia, which is insane breast growth during puberty or a pregnancy.  In Julia's case it was triggered when she was pregnant with her third child.

Finally, after being trapped for six months, the local media found out and helped pay for a three-day boat trip to get her to the nearest town for medical help.  Surgeons cut 35 pounds out of her chest, leaving her with breasts that are a 34-B.

(--Here's a photo of Julia before the surgery.  No post-op photos have been released . . .)

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