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Proposal Would Take The 'Man' Out Of Navy Midshipman

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) -- What happens if you take the "man" out of "midshipman?" That's the question at hand following a proposal by the secretary of the Navy, reviewing Navy titles to ensure gender neutrality.

Marcus Washington with more on the proposal and what people think about it.

It's what all entering the U.S. Naval Academy strive to become within their first year--a midshipman.

But now, there is a call to change the title, making it more gender neutral.

"Having a word like infantryman still there implies that if you want to do that job, you have to become like a man and have to become mannish and you have to do it in a masculine way," said Kyleanne Hunter, Think Broader.

Hunter is a former Marine Corps pilot and founder of Think Broader. She says changing the title to be more gender neutral does more than open doors to job positions, but rather, opening minds to the possibility for everyone.

"Making a lot of these terms gender neutral is really going to help, I think, women see the military as a road to citizenship and as a way to execute their civic duties as well in ways that they haven't been able to in the past," said Hunter.

Some say now is the time to change "midshipman" to a more gender neutral title, while others say they don't see the reason for all the fuss.

"Peersonally, I don't see why people get so bent out of shape about the 'gender assignments' to certain names like midshipmen or firemen or policemen," said Sarah Mokhiber.

In Annapolis, outside of the Naval Academy, you will find many different opinions, even amongst friends.

"I think it's a positive change, and I don't think we live in a binary world anymore--some people identify with being genderless--and I think having inclusive terms is harmless and it can only bring about a positive change," said Amy Woodrum.

"Words mean things and how we talk about people and we talk about different jobs matters," said Hunter.

Navy officials are scheduled to have a report of new titles to the secretary of the Navy no later than April 1.

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