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Gas Stations To Install Signs Warning Of Distracted Driving Dangers

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- Drivers filling up at the pump may soon see signs reminding them of the dangers of distracted driving.

The signs are an effort from AAA to put the down-time drivers spend waiting to fuel up to good use.

AAA said driving while distracted can be as dangerous as drinking and driving, which is why the group has created its "Don't Drive In-text-icated" campaign.

"Across the country, over 1,000 people are injured every day, and, on average, nine people lose their lives due to distracted driving," said Ragina Ali from AAA Mid-Atlantic.

While motorists might not have known those sobering figures, many had a feeling it was that bad. An auto club poll shows that 89 percent worry that other drivers are distracted.

The new signs are designed to provide another reminder for drivers to stay safe on the road.

"We're hoping that as people are standing here filling up their gas tanks that they look at the signs," Ali said.

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