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Where's Marty? Checking Out Inverness Brewing In Monkton

In 2018 (man that seems so long ago), the agricultural-tourism industry was just starting to take off.

Maryland was no exception, and that's when Baltimore County got its first farm brewery courtesy of Inverness Brewing.

The 100-acre farm is as lovely as it is large. Old stable hands' barns have been rebuilt beautifully.

Nowadays, Inverness entertains families, couples and friends from Thursday through Sunday. It goes without saying that the beer is the major draw.

The Frank family calls its method "farm-to-keg" and currently makes 18 different brews at Inverness throughout the course of the year.

(A side note: One day, my wife and I ran into WJZ Weather Watcher Phil Kosmicki and his wife there. It was great to meet and hang out with them.)

The Franks point out that Inverness and the other fine farm breweries and wineries across the state provide a great way to spend some time outdoors.

Standing next to 20-foot hops plants in the morning sun with the fresh air after last night's storms was a real treat.

At one point, K2 looked at me and said, "Let's just pause and enjoy the breeze." And so we did.

Sometimes a ride in the country is good for the soul. And if that ride takes you to a brewery or winery, please tap a designated driver or take it easy.

If only every weekend day was as fine as this Thursday morning.

A special thanks to Inverness for hosting two city guys on the farm.

- Marty B

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