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Glenn And Zinno Talk Steroids

Glenn And Zinno Talk Steroids

Mark Zinno joined the Glenn Younes show tonight to talk about steroids in sports.

Glenn thinks that steroids should be legal. "My premise is simple, legalize the stuff."

"Try to find a way to regulate the stuff and you'll have a more level playing field than you do now."

"Most guys you would think would use it for recovery and recovery only."

Zinno agrees with Glenn to an extent. "If you can do it under a licensed team physician with supervision and its administered that way there might be some room for it."

"I don't think you're going to get guys to stop abusing it though. If you give them an inch they're going to take a mile."

Listen to the entire conversation here and follow Mark Zinno @MarkZinno and also follow Glenn Younes @gunitradio and use the hashtag #GYshow.

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