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Coronavirus Latest: Johns Hopkins University Plans To Resume In-Person Learning For Spring Semester

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- Starting in the spring, in-person learning is set to return to campus at Johns Hopkins University, a spokesperson said Monday.

In a message sent to the campus community Monday afternoon, the university said it will resume both academic and residential offerings in the spring "to the greatest extent possible." Students who want to continue learning remotely will have the option to do so.


Undergraduate students will be required to be tested for COVID-19 twice per week, while many graduate students and staff members will be required to be tested weekly, the university said.

The university plans to make a final decision in January or sooner about how to move forward with reopening, "but we are preparing with hope and confidence," a spokesperson said.

The spring semester is set to begin on January 25. Spring break has been canceled due to travel concerns.

So far during the fall semester, the university said it has not seen any significant outbreaks among the thousands of students who were in Baltimore.

The university plans to hold town hall meetings in the coming days to address concerns and questions from students and staff.

For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.

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