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Coronavirus In Maryland: More Than 41K COVID-19 Cases Reported, Hospitalizations Continue To Drop

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) -- There are now more than 41,000 positive cases of coronavirus in Maryland, jumping more than 1,700 in one day -- the largest single-day increase. Despite the increase in cases, hospitalizations dropped again Tuesday by about 20 cases to 1,421.

A total of 1,963 people have died from coronavirus in the state with 118 more probable deaths. But, ICU numbers dropped from 555 to 537 in a day as well.


On Monday, the family of 15-year-old Daryana Dyson reported she may have died from coronavirus Saturday after receiving treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Her death is now reflected in the state's count confirming she died from COVID-19. Baltimore County officials say her death was related to a pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome linked to COVID-19, according to the CDC.

Out of the 7,199 people ever hospitalized, 2,868 have been released from isolation.

More than 167,000 people have tested negative for coronavirus in the state.

Prince George's and Montgomery counties remain at the top for the number of cases. One Baltimore city zip code, 21224, remains in the top ten list.


Somerset County also reported its first coronavirus-related death Tuesday. Caroline and Garrett counties haven't reported any deaths.

A breakdown of the cases:

By County

County Cases Deaths
Allegany 166 (14)
Anne Arundel 2,981 (137) 8*
Baltimore City 4,002 (202) 8*
Baltimore County 4,920 (247) 16*
Calvert 255 (12) 1*
Caroline 208
Carroll 712 (69)
Cecil 323 (18)
Charles 895 (62) 1*
Dorchester 122 (2)
Frederick 1,491 (83) 7*
Garrett 7
Harford 709 (32) 3*
Howard 1,465 (46) 3*
Kent 144 (14)
Montgomery 8,950 (465) 38*
Prince George's 12,240 (424) 21*
Queen Anne's 133 (11)
St. Mary's 338 (12)
Somerset 62 (1)
Talbot 68 (1)
Washington 352 (8)
Wicomico 839 (21)
Worcester 164 (5) 1*
Data not available (77) 11*

By Age Range and Gender

Age/Gender Cases Deaths
0-9 837
10-19 1,602 (1)
20-29 5,520 (10) 1*
30-39 7,617 (24) 3*
40-49 7,495 (53) 4*
50-59 6,964 (131) 10*
60-69 5,050 (306) 10*
70-79 3,351 (478) 16*
80+ 3,110 (884) 63*
Data not available (76) 11*
Female 21,686 (967) 68*
Male 19,860 (996) 50*

By Race and Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Cases Deaths
African-American (NH) 12,454 (815) 39*
Asian (NH) 787 (69) 6*
White (NH) 8,365 (817) 54*
Hispanic 9,525 (160) 7*
Other (NH) 2,007 (24) 1*
Data not available 8,408 (78) 11*

For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.

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